Our 18th Annual St. Mary’s Fall Gift Market is right around the corner and we need your help!  

We will have hundreds of people visiting the St. Mary’s campus to shop vendor booths and enjoy our Tea Room, Bake Shop, Silent Auction & Wine Wall but before that can happen, we need YOU!

Before the event:

PICK UP a letter from St. Mary’s Narthex and donate or ask your favorite local business(es) to donate items & gift cards for the Silent Auction. (Alicia Calsyn 832-687-0297 xmasbee@gmail.com)

DONATE bottled red, white and sparkling wine worth $20 or more! (George Hernandez gehernandez828@gmail.com)

ADVERTISE to friends and co-workers by passing out flyers and sharing on Facebook (Visit www.facebook.com/STMARYSFGM)

SIGN UP and DONATE items to bring before the event like sodas, water and bottled wine.

BAKE homemade items or MAKE sandwiches to donate to the event – (Contact: Lissette Smead 585-662-7111 mlsmead@gmail.com)


 Click Here to Sign Up for Fall Gift Market OR see the easel in the Narthex

At the event:

VOLUNTEER!  LOTS of Volunteers are needed to direct traffic, drive a shuttle, help visitors, work in the Bake Shoppe, Tea Room or Silent Auction. (Contact Paige Akard 713-818-2829 paakard@gmail.com)

BAKE homemade items or MAKE sandwiches to donate to the event – (Contact: Lissette Smead 585-662-7111 mlsmead@gmail.com)

Help us support St. Mary’s and its ministries and mission!

For general questions, contact Michelle Poorbaugh: 505-228-5542, michellepoorbaugh@gmail.com)

Click the Image below to sign up for Vendor Booth!!